Depression is a severe and potentially debilitating mental health condition. It’s also a common issue. Indeed, figures from the CDC suggest that more than 8% of all American adults, or more than 26 million people, are experiencing depression at any given time. Many people may try to ignore signs and symptoms until it becomes impossible. Whatever stage someone is at with depression, and no matter how long they’ve suffered in silence, there’s always effective help available. A treatment facility for depression is one option that many people find helpful.

Overview: What is Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and perform everyday routines. Symptoms can be present anywhere from a couple of weeks to several years. There are several types of depression, each a result of varying factors, including:

  • Major depression
  • Perinatal depression
  • Persistent depressive disorder
  • Seasonal affective disorder

Although depression commonly includes sadness, it doesn’t apply to everyday sorrow, grief, or hollowness that typically follows a significant distressing life event, such as the death of a loved one or sudden loss of a job.

Doctors usually diagnose depression as being mild, moderate, or severe.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Symptoms and signs of depression are wide-ranging, and different people experience different impacts of the condition. People don’t generally experience every sign or symptom. If you’re depressed, common mental signs and symptoms include:

  • Low mood or feelings of sadness that won’t shift
  • Strong feelings of guilt
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Lack of motivation
  • Low self-esteem
  • Difficulties concentrating and brain fog
  • Inability to make decisions
  • Uncontrollable worry or anxiety
  • Low tolerance and patience threshold
  • Easy to feel irritable

People with depression may also self-harm, display addictive behaviors, and, in severe cases, have intrusive suicidal thoughts. Unfortunately, sometimes people act upon suicidal ideations. Psychotic episodes, such as seeing or hearing things that aren’t there, can also occur with severe depression. Whether your diagnosis is mild, moderate, or extreme, you may also experience physical signs and symptoms of depression, including:

  • Decreased or increased appetite and weight fluctuations
  • Insomnia, sleeping too much, or changes to regular sleep patterns
  • Lack of interest in sex
  • Slower speech or movements
  • Unexplained aches, pains, and fatigue

Depression commonly results in changes to habits and routines. For example, you may be skipping work or school more than usual, and you may have withdrawn from your family and friends. You might not engage in social events. You may neglect your self-care and hygiene. Even if you haven’t noticed any change, those close to you, colleagues, and others in your social network may have noticed a difference in your actions, behavior, and mood.

Help for Depression

Various treatments and techniques are available to help with depression. You don’t have to suffer alone, and there is hope for your future. There are various methods of easing and curing depression.


Depression drugs or antidepressants contain chemicals that help the circuitry in your brain work better. The subsequent result is, for many people, an easing of symptoms and elevation of the mood.


Also referred to as talk therapy, psychotherapy involves attending therapy sessions with a trained professional. There are different types of psychotherapy.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Interpersonal therapy (IPT)
  • Supportive therapy

Prescription drugs can be used with psychotherapy to treat depression and promote mental well-being.

Additional Treatments for Depression

Other possible help for depression include family therapy, group therapy, holistic therapy, creative therapy, mindfulness, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and more. While much help for depression is available as an outpatient, some people achieve safer, faster, more effective, and long-lasting results at a specialist treatment center for depression.

Why Consider a Treatment Facility for Depression?

Depression treatment centers offer inpatient help for those experiencing mental health difficulties. Compassionate, trained, professional staff provides around-the-clock care, monitoring, support, and assistance. The clinical care team typically includes varied medical professionals to provide comprehensive treatment plans that use various approaches and techniques.

If you or a loved one have already tried outpatient treatments with little success, find yourself stuck in the relapse cycle, or suffer from severe or chronic depression, you might benefit from the more intensive help provided by a treatment facility for depression.

It might be time to think about obtaining treatment at a specialist center if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms.

Thoughts of Harm or Suicide

The 24-hour care and supervision of depression rehabilitation centers are paramount if you or a loved one is having damaging thoughts. Whether you’re thinking of harming yourself or others, and if thoughts of suicide have entered your mind, professional help can break those thought patterns, ensure your safety, and give you back your life.

External Factors are Hindering Your Recovery

Sometimes, mental health recovery can be influenced by your environment. Factors that can sideline recovery include stress at home, unsupportive family and peers, work challenges, social stigmas, temptations that fuel addictive patterns, and more. Staying in a depression treatment center removes all external influences and allows you to focus solely on your path to recovery in a supportive, calm, and safe setting.

You Have Psychotic Episodes

Severe depression can sometimes cause psychotic incidents, such as visual or auditory hallucinations. Not only can this be incredibly distressing and disturbing for an individual, but it can also be unsafe for them and the people around them. Staying in a treatment center ensures your and your family’s safety if you experience psychosis. You are also fully supported by a professional team who can provide the treatment you need to get better.

You Are Neglecting Yourself or Others

Severe depression can sometimes result in a person failing to take care of themselves or others, for example, children or elderly relatives. From inadequate nutrition and hygiene to poor home safety and lack of appropriate medical care, there are many ways someone with depression may neglect themselves or their dependents. Your basic needs are met while attending a rehab facility. Additionally, temporary alternative care will be in place to look after your dependents, thus keeping them healthy and well.

Contact the dedicated team at Comprehensive Wellness Center to learn more about our dedicated treatment facility for depression. Help is just one step away, so get in touch to start making a positive change and begin the steps of overcoming depression.

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