Approximately 1.6% of the United States population suffers from borderline personality disorder (BPD). Unfortunately, BPD is complicated and misunderstood. The good news is that there is plenty of research on this subject. Learn more about BPD and the treatment options available.

What Is Borderline Personality Disorder?

Borderline Personality Disorder is a mental condition that impacts how you feel and think. The condition extends to how you feel about yourself and other people, and it can have a strong negative effect on the way you function. Someone with BPD might have severe self-image issues, or they might also have difficulty managing their behavior and emotions. BPD often leads to unstable relationships, whether romantic or otherwise.

Fear of abandonment and difficulty being alone, even temporarily, are common. Unfortunately, those with BPD typically exhibit harsh mood swings and impulsiveness. Irractgic behavior tends to push others away and prevents individuals from having the strong relationship they desire. The good news is that there are steps you can take to improve your mental state.

Causes of Borderline Personality Disorder

There are many different causes of BPD. Understanding the causes will help you better manage symptoms and live a more fulfilling life.


Some people are naturally predisposed to developing BPD. However, there’s no way to predict it with certainty. For example, your parents could have BPD, and you may never develop it. Still, genetics play a role in how many people experience BPD.

Brain Chemical Imbalance

Issues with neurotransmitters are thought to be a reason behind Borderline Personality Disorder. More specifically, problems with serotonin. A serotonin imbalance can cause unwarranted aggression and depression. Fluctuating serotonin can also lead to self-destructive behaviors. Someone with BPD might be more inclined to abuse alcohol and drugs or engage in risky behavior.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors often trigger BPD. One of the most significant environmental factors is being the victim of abuse. Individuals who have endeared physical, emotional, or sexual abuse are more likely to develop BPD.

Exposure to long-term stress or fear as a child can also trigger this condition. Similarly, childhood neglect plays a significant role. Growing up around a family member with substance abuse issues is another possible trigger for BPD, especially if the family member has a mental health condition.

Brain Development Issues

Issues with brain development could lead to BPD. Problems with the amygdala, hippocampus, or orbitofrontal cortex are more likely to result in a BPD diagnosis. These parts of the brain are responsible for regulating behavior, decision-making, and controlling emotions.

Treatment For Borderline Personality Disorder

Understanding the available treatment options for BPD can help you make the best decision. Depending on your situation, some might be more appropriate than others.


Medication is one of the most effective forms of treatment for borderline personality disorder. Depression and anxiety are common issues associated with BPD, and medicines that alleviate related issues are helpful. Antipsychotic medication might also be prescribed under certain circumstances, such as for individuals with intense periods of distorted thinking. In extreme cases, someone with BPD might exhibit self-harm or suicide attempts, so hospitalization may be necessary.

Always use medication according to the doctor’s instructions. It’s not uncommon for someone with BPD to take more than the recommended dose of medication during an episode to quell symptoms. Medication is ineffective when the dosing is incorrect and will lead to further complications and health issues.


Therapy can help manage emotions related to Borderline Personality Disorder. Patients undergoing therapy learn to observe instead of acting on their feelings and emotions. Trained counselors help patients understand how to behave and react appropriately during social interactions.

There are three primary types of therapy for this BPD.

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
  • Schema-focused therapy

DBT focuses on managing crisis behavior and aims to discover the triggers for mood swings and self-destructive actions. The central pillar of DBT is practicing mindfulness and being present. Learning to be present helps keep the individual grounded and prevents them from misinterpreting the world around them.

CBT focuses on changing how you perceive yourself and others while promoting self-improvement to bolster self-esteem. It’s not uncommon for those with Borderline Personality Disorder to take innocuous situations personally, but CBT works to change that.

Schema-focused therapy aims to rework negative thoughts into positive ones. Patients learn how to reframe situations and manage their emotions.

Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder is complicated, but it’s manageable if you understand its nuances. Educating yourself will help you recognize the symptoms and seek treatment, allowing you to keep your life on track.

Start your treatment at Comprehensive Wellness Centers. Verify your insurance as the first step, and then we can match you to the right treatment plan.

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