Over 52 million people in America suffer from mental health issues. It’s a number that continues to grow every year. That’s why everyone must know how to recognize the signs of poor mental health. Whether it’s to look out for yourself or your loved ones, knowing the symptoms will let you know when it’s time to seek assistance. We’ve put together a guide that’ll give you the proper understanding of common mental health problems and where to turn for help.

Overwhelming Apathy

One of the most common signs of faltering mental wellness is a feeling of apathy that you can’t shake. You might notice that activities you once loved no longer inspire the same passion. You might realize that you haven’t drawn anything in a while or have stopped going out for runs.

Most of the time, these changes in emotional engagement happen so gradually that you don’t notice them at first.

Sometimes this apathy turns to frustration or debilitating stress, and it often worsens other symptoms. It’s during these times that it’s good to start looking into finding a mental care provider for guidance.

Reduced Concentration

Do you find it difficult to concentrate on your work or studies? Do you spend a lot of time doing tasks that once would only take you half the time? Struggling with concentration is very common when you’re dealing with mental health issues.

The biggest problem is that being unable to concentrate leads to poor performance in your responsibilities. Losing a job or messing up at an important event fuels inner turmoil, and this makes the feelings of apathy or sadness stronger over time.

Changes in Energy Levels

Feeling tired all the time is never a good thing, even when your mental wellness isn’t struggling. When you deal with mental health symptoms, the feeling of low energy feels all-encompassing.

You often won’t feel like you have the energy to do anything, including things such as work, cleaning the house, or even eating regular meals.

To make matters worse, changes in your sleep schedule are quite common as well. Either you want to sleep all the time and never feel rested, or you can’t seem to sleep at all. Sleep is such an essential part of recovery. Changes in energy levels and persistent tiredness are early signs of mental health struggles and indicate that it’s time to seek help.

Persistent Brain Fog

Brain fog is never far away when you suffer from low energy levels and poor concentration. You’re likely struggling with brain fog if you’ve noticed slowness in your thought processes. This symptom makes it difficult to get through tasks that once would have been easy for you to complete. It’s hard to get your thoughts in order, and it’s hard to make yourself understood. You might even have trouble speaking and recalling words from time to time.

Increased Physical Pains

The human body is such an interconnected system. Even though mental illness focuses on the internal, symptoms often show themselves in the physical. These physical symptoms include things such as:

  • Frequent headaches
  • Digestion problems
  • Unexplained aches and pains
  • Muscle tension
  • Problems with eyesight
  • Increased heart rate
  • Teeth grinding

Dealing with physical pain and mental struggles can make overcoming a mental health problem seem impossible. Always seek help when things start to feel impossible and hopeless.

Rapid Mood Swings

Although severe apathy is a strong part of poor mental health, sudden mood swings are not uncommon. You could go from feeling sad for most of the day only to lash out at the slightest thing. Situations that once wouldn’t bother you now feel uncomfortable and annoying.

Irritability without true reason can increase feelings of guilt and stress. As soon as the initial anger subsides, the sorrow and guilt might be worse than before.

Getting a sudden burst of energy is also quite normal. It might even make you feel as though you’ve overcome your mental illness. When the energy runs out, you’re left feeling defeated, which only makes dealing with mental problems more difficult. That’s why seeking out treatment options is vital to learning how to deal with mental health issues.

Detachment and Social Withdrawal

Have you started to avoid your friends and family? Do you tend to stay home when you used to go out? Do you feel as though you’re separate from the rest of the world? These feelings of detachment and withdrawal go hand-in-hand with mental health ailments.

When you isolate yourself from friends and family, it often worsens mental health problems. You no longer have your loved ones nearby to help support you in times of need. Although asking for help isn’t an easy step, it is vital to getting better.

Intrusive Thoughts

Intrusive thoughts are the kinds of thoughts that most people struggle to ignore. You never had thoughts like these before your mental wellness declined, but now they won’t go away.

These thoughts often attack your sense of self-worth, leading you to believe the worst of yourself. They can also lead to dangerous habits such as self-harm or substance abuse. Sometimes, these intrusive thoughts even lead to suicidal thoughts that are hard to fight off.

All of these kinds of thoughts make coping with mental health illness an uphill battle that feels impossible. If you ever struggle with thoughts like this, it’s important to seek help immediately. No one deserves to deal with things like this alone.

Understanding Mental Health Symptoms Is the First Step to Recovery

Recognizing that you’re suffering isn’t always easy. Knowing the different signs of mental health symptoms is the best first step to getting past this dark time in your life. Take the time to evaluate how you’ve been feeling recently, and be honest with yourself. The path to learning the right way to deal with these mental health problems is only a step away once you realize you need guidance!

Do you recognize many of these signs within yourself? We’re here to help. Check out our mental health programs to get the support you deserve right away!

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