It’s estimated that 6% of the U.S. population suffers from PTSD. You may have this condition if you’ve experienced trauma in any form. Sadly, PTSD symptoms can often make everyday life extremely challenging, but with help, you can overcome this trauma. Recovery takes time, but you can overcome trauma.

What is PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress syndrome occurs after an event that’s dangerous, life-threatening, or terrifying. While it’s commonly associated with combat veterans, it’s important to note that this condition can happen for various reasons at any age. Some of the common causes of PTSD include things like assaults, accidents, sexual abuse, disasters, and other types of serious events.

The symptoms of PTSD typically appear within three months of the event; however, sometimes, symptoms can take longer to surface. The most common symptoms include things like:

  • Reliving the event through nightmares, intrusive memories, and flashbacks that cause intense physical symptoms
  • Avoidance and numbing to try and forget the event
  • High anxiety levels
  • Emotional agitation
  • Mood changes
  • Negative thoughts

How to Manage Your PTSD Symptoms

Many people want to get over their PTSD as quickly as possible, but sadly, it’s important to note that recovering from this condition isn’t a straightforward path. As such, it will take some time before you can overcome it. There are a variety of things you can do that will aid in managing the symptoms.

Seek Treatment

Trauma is not something that people can often handle on their own. According to the National Institute for Mental Health, psychotherapy sessions are the first step towards recovery. Sessions can last between six to twelve months.

The most common type of psychotherapy used for PTSD is cognitive behavioral therapy. Two areas of CBT can be beneficial to people recovering from traumatic events. The first is exposure therapy, where you learn to gradually manage your fears through gentle exposure to them. Cognitive restructuring is also important to help people recontextualize how they experienced the traumatic event.

Some people can manage their PTSD symptoms simply by going to therapy. Others will require additional medication to combat feelings of anxiety, depression, and other side effects of the condition.


Exercise can help with your mental health; however, when it comes to PTSD, it can be essential. When you have a stress response from your PTSD, exercise can help your nervous system get unstuck from this event, thanks to the flood of endorphins that come when you work out.

Find Social Support

PTSD can often make you feel isolated from those you love, and that’s why meaningful social support can be so important. One of the most obvious places to start is a support group for people with PTSD. Connecting with people going through the same experience as you can be incredibly helpful.

Practice Mindfulness and Deep Breathing

Things like deep breathing are great for controlling a stress response, and it helps slow down your heart rate when you’re feeling triggered. However, you should also consider practicing mindfulness. Triggers and intrusive thoughts are bound to happen in your life, so learning effective coping mechanisms is vital.

If you can recognize triggers through mindfulness meditation, you can gradually begin to control your reaction to them. You do this by focusing on your thoughts, feelings, and sensations in the present moment.

How to Find a Good PTSD and Trauma Treatment Center

There are a variety of different options when it comes to PTSD treatment centers. Know what to look for when searching for a treatment center. Some will offer inpatient or outpatient services. Depending on the severity of your condition, it can make sense to live at a facility until treatment is over. Other people succeed with outpatient treatment that allows them to continue living in their own homes.

Ready to Overcome Your PTSD? Contact Comprehensive Wellness Centers

Learning more about managing PTSD symptoms is pivotal to breaking free from trauma. At Comprehensive Wellness Centers, we know that one of the hardest parts about treating PTSD is the unique nature of the condition. Everyone has different traumas and triggers, and that’s why it’s so important to find good individualized care. An individualized approach is one of the central tenets here at our treatment centers. If you want to see the difference that evidence-based treatments can have in your life, verify your insurance with us today.

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