Alcoholism can enter your life without you even knowing it. Your drinking habits can increase slowly and eventually overcome your days. What started out as strictly weekend drinking, or an occasional glass of wine after work has the potential to grow into an ugly habit. As your intake of alcohol increases your tolerance will grow, leading to problem drinking.


If this sounds too familiar, you may be suffering with alcohol abuse in Lantana. Unknowingly slipping into problem drinking can be scary, but there are ways out. Alcohol treatment in Lantana is there to provide help for anyone who needs it. If you partake in any of the following activities, you may want to consider getting alcohol treatment in Lantana.


  • If you are not able to control the amount of alcohol consumption with self-discipline, you may need alcohol treatment in Lantana. Finding yourself drinking despite your premeditated limits is a sign of addiction.
  • If you experience anxiety, depression, shaking, headaches, vomiting, sweating, or fatigue after going without a drink for a certain amount of time, you are experiencing withdrawals. Withdrawals are a sure sign of addiction and our alcohol treatment centers are always here to assist a client get through an alcohol addiction.
  • If you have encountered any legal issues of driving under the influence or public intoxication once or multiple times, you may need alcohol treatment in Lantana. Legal problems not only stick with you after the arrest, but can cost you thousands of dollars, and make it harder for you to progress in life with any convictions lingering.
  •  Alcohol can create problems with family and friends. Violent and neglectful behavior is often present when alcohol is involved and can ruin relationships. Family should always come first and if your alcohol is ripping your family apart, alcohol treatment is available in Lantana.


At Comprehensive Wellness Center, we treat alcohol addiction with the same importance as drug addiction. Both substances lead individuals down the wrong path and don’t allow them to reach their full potential. If you are struggling with alcohol addiction, please contact our alcohol treatment center in Lantana. You can be substance free in no time once you call us at (844) 346-3873. We have counsellors waiting to hear from you who provide free confidential consultations for anyone and everyone who calls. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to better yourself!

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