If you’re struggling with depression, you already know how difficult and grueling this mental health condition can be. You might be surprised to know depression is one of the most successfully treated medical conditions. Between 80-90% of people who seek help for depression will respond well to treatment, and almost all patients gain some relief. A crucial part of this treatment includes small lifestyle changes. From battling negative thoughts to setting the right goals, here are a few crucial ways to manage your depression.

Establish Routines

When you’re feeling depressed, it’s easy to get the sense that your life has no structure.
Though you don’t have to set a schedule for your entire day, establishing small routines can help you feel more in control.

Maintain Your Hygiene

Mental illness can make basic hygiene feel challenging, but taking care of yourself becomes even more important when you’re managing depression. Try to brush your teeth, shower, and care for your hair as often as possible. Some people find success by making these actions a morning habit to be done upon waking, and others use them as therapeutic moments for breathing techniques and short mindful moments.

Eat Healthy

What you eat influences how you feel. Taking control of your eating habits can positively impact your mood. Try to avoid skipping meals. If necessary, rely on deliveries, instant meals, or cooking easy dishes you can throw together in a few minutes.


Getting out of bed can feel difficult when you’re struggling with depression, but exercise is a crucial tool for reducing symptoms. There’s no shame in starting small, either: even a quick walk around the block can improve your mood and energy levels. Head outside for your workout for a dose of sunlight to boost your serotonin levels.

Get Enough Sleep

Depression can wreak havoc on your sleep schedule. Whether you struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep, or drag yourself out of bed, managing your nightly schedule is a crucial depression treatment. Take a good look at your sleep hygiene to figure out which habits should be adjusted and what strategies to add. Considering your environment, what you do before bed, and your strategy for prioritizing sleep can significantly affect your mental health.

Set Attainable Goals

If your to-do list has begun feeling impossibly long, try setting smaller, more attainable goals. Starting small can give you a sense of control and enhance your motivation. Instead of responding to your backlog of emails and texts, reply to the most important ones. Instead of cleaning your entire bedroom, make your bed and fold your laundry. Even small accomplishments can help you feel better while you work toward larger goals.

It’s also helpful to take on additional responsibilities. Though your first instinct might be to pull away from extra work, you might find that the extra duties can help keep you grounded.

Do Things You Enjoy

Depression drains the pleasure out of hobbies and activities you once loved. However, that doesn’t mean you should stop doing them. Make time for the things you enjoy, even if those things don’t seem as much fun anymore. The point is to try. Returning to your old pastimes can boost your dopamine, affecting your sense of pleasure.

If you’re struggling to come up with hobbies you love, try something new. Doing something different can be a rewarding way to get out of a rut and even improve your overall well-being. Join a cooking class, go to a concert or museum, take a day trip to a nearby park, or read a new book.

Challenge Negative Thoughts

People struggling with their mental health often hear a voice in their head that offers unhelpful, insulting, or negative comments about their lives. Challenge this voice whenever you hear it.
Managing depression is about changing the way you think. Working past negative thoughts is a crucial part of that adjustment.

Try using logic to break through any automatic comments your mind creates. If you feel like you won’t get anything out of a new self-care tactic, argue with yourself that it doesn’t hurt to try anyway. If you feel like your friends or family members dislike you, ask yourself whether this assumption is realistic.

Reach Out

Avoid the temptation to isolate yourself. Connecting with others is excellent for your mental health, and it’s even more critical when you’re dealing with depression. Stick with your usual social activities, schedule time with your friends, call a loved one you haven’t seen in a while, or join a support group for depression. You can also try meeting new people by volunteering, taking a class, or joining a club.

Don’t forget to reach out for professional help as well. While you can do a lot to manage depression on your own, speaking with a specialist can be a great way to identify bad habits and start new lifestyle approaches to help boost your mental health.

Get Help With Your Depression

Though depression can sometimes feel impossible to overcome, you might be surprised by how much the small lifestyle changes above can help. Though it can take time to change old habits, taking better care of yourself can improve your well-being and help you feel more in control.

If you’re struggling with depression, remember that you’re never alone. Here at Comprehensive Wellness Centers, our compassionate staff offers a range of treatment options to offer patients personalized help. To start treatment at one of Florida’s most effective depression rehab centers, contact us today.

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