Research shows that 75% of Americans who suffer from substance abuse addiction eventually recover. Recovery programs can play a major part in helping people stay drug-free long-term, but not all treatment providers are alike. Finding a reputable rehab facility in Florida can be challenging, which is unfortunate, but knowing how to identify a quality program can save time and get you or your loved one the necessary help. Quality treatment programs in Florida have earned specific licenses and certifications. Find out what to look for when selecting a Florida rehab facility and why an accredited rehab center is the best choice.

Accreditation Through the FARR

Look for a treatment program accredited by the Florida Association of Recovery Residences, or FARR. FARR made its debut in 2011, and they have partnered with the National Alliance for Recovery Residences, or NARR.

Florida Association of Recovery Residences assesses and supervises substance abuse recovery service providers, and they follow the NARR’s guidelines. FARR accreditation demonstrates that a treatment program offers quality residential treatment services. A program must undergo a detailed application process to receive FARR accreditation.

FARR officials must first determine if a program complies with the NARR’s standards. These standards comprise an ethics code. The consultative application process also confirms that the rehab facility meets Florida statute requirements. Choosing a rehab facility with FARR accreditation means selecting a program committed to operating legally and ethically. You can trust that the program will put your interests first and deliver reliable results.

Certification Through the AHCA

Another credential to look for in a substance abuse treatment program is certification through the Agency for Health Care Administration or AHCA. This organization oversees and strives to improve Florida’s medical care services.

Treatment programs can earn AHCA accreditation by allowing the organization to review their operations. The AHCA will also assess the procedures and policies in place at the facility. AHCA officials aim to ensure the programs align with Florida requirements. A rehab facility must complete several steps in the comprehensive assessment process. These steps include:

  • Submit an application
  • Undergo an inspection or survey
  • Resolve any deficiencies discovered during the inspection

Examples of deficiencies that a rehab facility may have to resolve during the AHCA accreditation process include discrepancies between a physician report and a clinical data sheet. Rehab facilities may also address inaccurate or incomplete treatment plans or medical records.

Document Concerns

Addressing discrepancies between or inaccuracies in records and reports may involve several steps. A facility may have to thoroughly review both documents to identify the problem areas. The following parties may then need to collaborate to discuss the problems:

  • Physicians
  • Clinical documentation improvement specialists
  • Coding professionals

Treatment programs might also need to work with staff to enhance their documentation practices. Creating a documentation tip sheet may aid in this process.

Additional Concerns

An AHCA inspection will review the fire alarm system, fire prevention plans, the quality of the equipment, and other factors that impact safety. AHCA accreditation is a significant achievement for rehab facilities because it shows their dedication to continuously improving. Selecting a facility with AHCA certification can help you rest assured that your recovery center will be professional and safe.

Rehab Facility Gold Seal

Yet another credential to search for when selecting a rehab facility in Florida is the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal. The Joint Commission’s goal is to enhance medical care quality worldwide.

Rehab facilities with Gold Seal status have demonstrated their ability to meet the commission’s national performance standards. They’ve undergone thorough evaluations and met rigorous safety and quality care standards. Several licensed inspectors can perform these evaluations, including:

  • Administrators
  • Nurses
  • Doctors

These industry experts assess whether applicant facilities provide safe care environments. They determine if the rehab programs educate their patients about diagnoses. Programs must also inform patients of healthcare treatment options and risks. Rehab facilities must prove that they’re protecting their patients’ privacy rights. Inspectors verify that applicants have planned for emergencies, too.

Gold Seal facilities must also show that they carefully evaluate their patients’ conditions. Existing and potential patients can trust treatment programs with this gold-standard accreditation to provide high-quality, safe patient care. Payors (e.g., medical insurance companies) and regulators can also expect excellent service from these facilities.

Licensure Through the DCF

The best Florida treatment programs have earned licenses from the Florida Department of Children and Family Services, or DCF. No rehab facilities can operate in the state without first earning licensure from the DCF. This department is dedicated to supporting family and personal substance abuse recovery. It strives to protect vulnerable individuals.

A rehab facility must adhere to DCF regulations that promote economically strong and self-sufficient individuals and families. These regulations aim to help people function and stand on their own. DCF licensure is critical for ensuring that rehab facilities can help individuals with substance abuse problems overcome addiction. Only then can they heal and successfully become productive and capable community contributors.

Earning DCF licensure requires a rehab facility to undergo a detailed assessment. It helps ensure a treatment program’s competence, professionalism, and excellence.

How We Can Help With Substance Abuse

A reputable rehab facility has earned Gold Seal and FARR accreditation and received DCF licensure and AHCA certification. All of these credentials show that the treatment program is dedicated to quality. Certification and licensure also demonstrate that a program operates legally and ethically.

At Comprehensive Wellness Centers, we offer high-quality substance abuse services. We also provide mental health recovery support. Our facility maintains Gold Seal, FARR, DCF, and AHCA credentials. We pride ourselves on delivering the best service to our patients and their families. Contact us to learn more and begin your healing journey today!

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