Having a drink doesn’t always equal a good time. If you’re struggling with alcohol abuse, binge drinking or alcoholism, it’s time to face the facts. Things won’t get better until you find alcohol treatment in Lantana. Our team at Comprehensive Wellness Centers can help. We offer the best treatment programs for a wide variety of challenges. With our bed and breakfast style center that’s a short walk from the beach, you can find the peace you need to focus on recovery.

How does alcohol treatment in Lantana work?

Working towards sobriety from alcohol problems can be especially challenging. That’s because alcohol is so common, and its consumption seems to be far too common. But at Comprehensive Wellness Centers, we know that you can work to overcome your issues with alcohol, starting with finding supportive care.

Our team at Comprehensive Wellness Centers offers truly supportive alcohol treatment in Lantana. We offer a unique approach to alcohol treatment programs, with services including:

  • Meditation
  • Individual Therapy
  • Counselling
  • 12 Step Guidance
  • Fitness Programs
  • Nutritional Guidance
  • Yoga
  • Educational Lectures

With our holistic approach to alcohol treatment in Lantana, you can work towards getting sober without stress. We focus on providing a relaxing environment that helps foster the holistic growth necessary for recovery.

How do I know if alcohol treatment in Lantana is necessary?

There’s a difference between having a drink with friends and having a problem with alcohol. At Comprehensive Wellness Centers, we know there are some major signs of alcohol issues to keep a lookout for within yourself and within a loved one. Some major signs of alcohol issues include:

  • Drinking to the Point of Blacking Out Often
  • Needing a Drink to Cope
  • Drinking Alone
  • Getting into Legal Trouble while Drinking
  • Feeling Guilty about Drinking
  • Drinking More than Friends or Family
  • Feeling Sick without a Drink
  • Choosing Drinking over Responsibilities

These are just a few of the signs that your relationship with alcohol, or a loved one’s relationship with alcohol, has taken a dark turn. When alcohol becomes the priority, nobody wins. But at Comprehensive Wellness Centers, we can help with our alcohol treatment in Lantana.

How can I get started?

Taking the first step in recovery can always be the most challenging. But at Comprehensive Wellness Centers, we know you’re not alone. We’re here to help make sobriety a reality with the most compassionate alcohol treatment in Lantana.

Our holistic programs and supportive care are the keys in making changes for the better. If you or a loved one is ready to work towards a brighter future, give our team at Comprehensive Wellness Centers a call. It’s easier than you think to get started, just call (561) 619-5858.

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