Making the decision to become clean and sober is a life-changing experience. While there is no doubt that therapy and peer support are important in helping you get sober, treatment staff will give you additional tools that will aid in your recovery. One of the biggest tools in that arsenal is medication-assisted therapy using Vivitrol. The benefits of Vivitrol in your recovery are numerous, and it can give you the confidence to work your program of recovery.

Would you like to learn more about the benefits of vivitrol? Call the treatment professionals at Comprehensive Wellness Centers today!

What is Vivitrol?

Also known as naltrexone, Vivitrol is an injectable medication that features a time-release formula. Unlike other medications such as methadone and Buprenorphine, Vivitrol is a non-addictive. This medication is part of a group of medications known as an opiate antagonist. Opiate antagonists are substances that blocks opioid receptors in the brain and prevents the brain from responding to drugs.

Over the past few years, Vivitrol has helped many addicts become clean and sober during early recovery. A great benefit of Vivitrol in the recovery process is that it can be used to treat both alcohol and drugs such as heroin and opioids such as prescription painkillers. Another one of Vivitrol’s benefits is the fact that it is given as a monthly injection.

The Benefits of Vivitrol

As stated above, one of the main benefits of Vivitrol when used in a treatment program is the time factor. Unlike methadone or Antabuse, Vivitrol is administered as an injection monthly. Because of its time-release formula, people can assume their day-to-day life without countless trips to the doctor or clinic. Secondly, the side effects experienced with Vivitrol are minor when compared to similar medications.

Another benefit of Vivitrol is the fact that blood levels stay stable when compared to other agonist or antagonist medications. Most importantly, Vivitrol benefits the addict in the fact that the medication itself is not addictive. The main fear in using medications such as methadone and Buprenorphine is the fact that both are powerful opioids. With those medications, the risk of developing a secondary addiction are much higher when compared to Vivitrol.

While Vivitrol is widely popular and can benefit addicts, people considering Vivitrol treatment must first consult with a doctor or treatment specialist. To start Vivitrol treatment, the newly recovering addict must be clean for 10 days. Just as importantly, those considering Vivitrol as part of a drug treatment program must have a thorough examination.

Vivitrol Treatment Can Help You Find Long-Term Recovery

There is no doubt that Vivitrol can benefit you in your recovery journey. As a premier treatment facility, Comprehensive Wellness Centers feature Vivitrol treatment protocols that have been thoroughly tested and administered by experienced professionals. In addition to medication-assisted treatment, Comprehensive Wellness Centers features a wide array of treatment programs that can be tailored to meet your unique needs. Call Comprehensive Treatment Centers toll-free right now.

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